Monday, November 8, 2021

Tree species sampling in Da'an Forest Park


Daan Forest Park - a green lung of Taipei - is a public park near the centre of Taipei city, Taiwan. The park occupies twenty-six hectares, and is used by residents of Taipei as a green activity space and for various outdoor activities.

The purpose of the tree sampling field trip in Da'an Park was to classify tree species using Satellite images. Samples used for training, testing, and validating from supervisor classification model by artificial intelligence algorithm.

How can we differentiate between types of trees? There are few key things to look at in order to tell trees apart. Some of these are dependent on the season. For example, we can rely on differences in leaves, flowers, fruit, or cones.

In this field trip, the characteristics of each species was identified from ‘‘tree’’ pictures taken with a RICOH WG-4 GPS Camera and total 316 points with corresponding Geotagged photos were used as dataset for training and validation the results.

The points of tree sampling

Below are some pictures of trees in the Da'an Park
Alstonia scholaris (deciduous tree)

Bischofia javanica (Deciduous Trees)

Ficus elastica (Deciduous Trees)

Ficus microcarpa (Deciduous Trees)

Bambusa vulgaris (Deciduous Trees)

Tabebuia aurea (Deciduous Trees)

Liquidambar formosana (Deciduous Trees)

Pistacia chinensis (Deciduous Trees)

Pterocarpus indicus (Deciduous Trees)

Cinnamomum camphora (Deciduous Trees)

Morus australis (Deciduous Trees)

Araucaria heterophylla (Coniferous Trees)

Roystonea regia (Palm)

Flowers and Bushes



For more pictures, please see here 


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